Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing #14

What in the world is a wiki?

Mrs. Cassidy's Class - Schools In the Past
This is a wiki where students interviewed their parents and grandparents on the comparison and the contrast of schools in the past and schools now. I really enjoyed reading this wiki. There were so many interesting comments. I could think of so many ways to extend this idea. For example were things different depending on where you lived, your faith, your culture, or your ethnic background. This gave me the idea of using the same concept of bringing our elderly and our youth together to discuss music of the past and present.

Kindergarten Counting Book
Kindergarten students use pictures to shoe the numbers 1-1oo. This is a perfect example to show that you are never to yong to start learning how to use technology. However, I do have a few questions about this wiki. Did the children take the pictures themselves? I notice that there was a name posted beside some of the photos, but more information was needed to clarify exactly what that child's contribution was.

Salute to Seuss
On this wiki PreK to Sixth Grade classrooms picked one or more books by Dr. Seuss and made an online presentation of the book. The classes used many different resources to create a blog, wiki, or web page to share their book. This is a very good wiki. It gives a lot of resources to use, including teaching materials.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I can tell you put some time into this "Thing."
