Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing #13

Social bookmarking and tagging with Delicious

I can tell that I am going to really enjoy using Delicious. I had fun searching for different websites that I could use in music and technology. All through the year the music teachers are constantly sending each other emails of different websites that we found and wanted to share with the other teachers. I also like that I can choose which sites to share and which sites to keep private.I especially like the fact that this is accessible from any computer. In the past if I found a web site while working at home, I would email the link to myself at work. Now that won't be necessary. I am not very good at tagging sites. Usually whenever I worked on something that gave me that option, I would always just skip that part. I see now how this is really very beneficial. Hopefully I will get better with practice.

Attempted stretch activity

Well, as usual I got a little over zealous. When I did a search for sites in music education, I came across some of the sites that I had previously bookmarked in Safari. So I thought I would just go ahead and import them into my Delicious account. OMG, was that an enormous mistake. I have the biggest mess to clean up. I had no idea that I had bookmarked so many sites. The good part of this is that whenever a site is imported it is automatically locked so no one else will see this mess until I straighten it all out and decide to share it. If anyone is interested here is my delicious link it is
Well I guess I had better get started straightening out my mess.Walking Home Crying

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny. This sounds like me and my RSS reader the first time I set it up. You talk about a mess. I am just now appreciating the capabilities of RSS and Delicious. I think some "Things" just take the right situation for you to realize how you can implement them and use them to benefit you.
