Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thing #7

Creating community through commenting

I know that commenting is a important part of blogging, and as much as I like to talk and give my opinion you would think that I would really enjoy commenting. However I sometimes find it very hard to do. When I talk to someone I normally read a lot into a persons facial expressions, body movements and vocal fluctuations. But when something is put in writing it can sometimes be interpreted differently from the way the writer intended, due to the lack of these physical attributes being there to help us understand their thoughts. That is why I am very careful in what I put in writing. It's easy for me to blog when I agree with the person, but when I disagree it's hard to make a comment because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or be perceived as being harsh. Because of this I tried very hard to adopt blogs that I was in agreement with so that I could leave positive comments.
Yessss I know that 's being a chicken!
On the other hand, when it comes to the feeds that I subscribed to, I chose one that has some very controversial blogs, and I won't have any problem blogging my disagreeable comments. After all, I don't feel like I know those people.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! That is not being a chicken! :-) I agree with you in the fact that it is better not writing anything at all, than writing something negative. That is being polite.
    We all have had to learn how to read and write in electronic media. You have to be very careful not only with what you say, but how you say it, sometimes punctuation can change the sense of a sentence. I remember this very funny book, which I love reading to my students, about the use of commas, it is called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves", and it shows through very funny examples, how missing a comma, could result in bizarre sentences!
    Keep up with this "23 things" adventure. You are doing great! :-)
