Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #2

Thoughts about Web 2.0

Technology is constantly changing. Web 2.0 is a way for teachers to keep up with the changes, to communicate with their students and to help their students take an active part in their own learning. It is also a way to get the parents actively involved in their child's learning. Of course that is assuming that the students will have the technical resources that they will need. Unfortunately all of the students I teach don't have a computer. Web 2.0 also doesn't take into account those students that need more guidance in their instruction or those parents that never check their child's backpack to look at the work they have done or sign the papers that are due the next day. I love to use different forms of technology and it can definitely be used to enhance instruction. However, right now I think most of that technical instruction has to take place during the school day, where all of the students have the same advantages.


  1. Unfortunately, not all students have that level playing field when it comes to technology or someone to check up on the technology they are using. I think you are right: The most important thing we can do is introduce them to the possibilities, teach them the responsibility that comes with the vast technological world, and just hope they get a chance to run with it!

  2. I can relate to your posting on Thing #2. With anything that we do with our kids 100% participation will not be there at home. But we have to continue moving forward and motivating all in the classroom setting. This is our future. So we grow with them, we can't hold back but plunge to the future. You are off to the right track by taking this class. So I know your family is proud of you for being a life long learner!

  3. Technology is our students' future. It seems that our jobs are to try to level that playing field by introducing them to as much technology as possible. But technology can't be forced in any situation. Maybe the bigger question might be How do we make the use of technology seamlessly integrated into the curriculum. Teaching the kids when to use a tool is just as important as how to use it. Ethical use is the key.

  4. Even if students don't have a computer of their own, most have access to one at a friend or relative's house and everyone has access to computers and the web at the public library!

  5. And whose going to get them to the public library? Certainly not the parents that I'm referring to.
